Proof Concerning Central Line \(X_5X_6\) of Triangle

Hello everyone. Today we will prove that the set of prime numbers is infinite. We will use the method of contradiction as a proof method. We'll also use the theorem of French mathematician Eduardo Lucas.
Theorem (Lucas): Every prime factor of Fermat number \(F _ n = 2 ^ {2 ^ n} + 1\); (\(n > 1\)) is of the form \(k2 ^{n + 2} + 1\).
Theorem: The set of prime numbers is infinite.
Suppose opposite, that there are just finally many prime numbers and we denote the largest prime by \(p\). Then \(F_p\) must be a composite number because \(F_p>p\). By Lucas theorem we know that there is a prime number \(q\) of the form \(k2 ^{p + 2} + 1\) that divides \(F_p\). But \(q>p\) , thus we arrived at a contradiction. Hence, the set of prime numbers is infinite.
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